Button controls are a hassle when driving, working out, or just sitting at your desk. Instead, control your tunes with gestures: swipe to change songs, volume, brightness. Tap to play/pause.
Double-tap for... your choice! Tap the hand to assign actions to gestures.
Tap the grid for instant access to quick actions.
Playlists, Albums, Artists, Songs, Books, and Podcasts are all just a tap away.
Lists are searchable. Alphabetized lists have A-Z index controls. While scrolling, a large letter appears front-and-center.
Album art colors can auto-tint the player's background, artist, album, and song title.
Or pick a theme to match your mood, your car’s dashboard, or a playlist title.
TuTuneMe has many built-in themes, with more online ready to download. Modify or create your own themes to use and share with friends.
Get info about the current song, artist, and album— including lyrics (when present).
Scroll through various control panels. From Settings, panels can be shown, hidden, and re-ordered.
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